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제 16 호 Energy Saving Brings Financial Benefits

  • 작성일 2022-11-29
  • 좋아요 Like 0
  • 조회수 15465

What Is Energy Cash Back?

Kicker : SCIENCE

Energy Saving Brings Financial Benefits

What Is Energy Cash Back?

By Yun-Seo Jung, Reporter


  Unplug the unused plug, set the proper temperature of the air conditioner when you use it, and don't leave the refrigerator door open for a long time. The aforementioned are often ways to save energy at home. The problem of global warming is rapidly becoming serious due to various reasons such as technological development and excessive carbon dioxide emission. 


What Is ‘Energy Cash Back?’

  Therefore, the government recently announced a policy called 'Energy Cash Back' to prevent excessive energy consumption at home. "Energy Cash back" is an energy-saving incentive program that receives cash back on saved electricity usage when electricity usage is reduced much relatively compared to nearby apartment complexes or households. It compares electricity usage during the energy saving period (July to December) with the average electricity usage from July to December over the past two years. It will be paid every six months, and apartment complexes will receive 200,000 won to 400,000 won for each reduction standard section and apartment households will receive 30 won per 1 kWh of savings. It is necessary to achieve a minimum 3% reduction rate for cashback. The period was from July to December, and the application period was from July 4th to August 31st

Poor Public Interest and Participation in the Policy

  However, the problem with this system is that the level of public interest is low even though there is a good system that allows you to get a refund for money if you save a certain level of energy. According to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, a total of 38,450 households across the country applied as a result of the government recruiting Energy Cashback participants for two months from July to August. This is only about 20% of the expected level by the government. Looking at the effectiveness of the implemented cases, three local self-governing bodies, Sejong, Naju, and Jincheon, conducted energy cashback pilot projects from February to May this year, and succeeded in reducing a total of 779 megawatt hours (MWh). This is the amount of electricity that can buffer 12,200 electric vehicles and drive 4.9 million kilometers. A superintendent from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy said, "The recruitment period for a new business that has been less promoted was too short," adding, "We are recruiting additional people because fewer people participated in the Energy Cashback than expected."

  Some people think that there is less money to be refunded compared to efforts to save energy, but it would be better to participate with the heart of joining together to overcome the energy crisis.


